We'll continue our social paddles through the fall and winter, weather permitting. Unpermitted weather is likely to be below 0degC, winds stronger than about 10km, rain, hail or snow. But watch the #kayak Slack channel for changes to the schedule or cancelation.
The weather changes quite quickly. We'll make Sunday the default day, but we'll try and post on the Club Locarno Slack #kayak channel on Friday evening if we think we should switch to a Saturday paddle.
This is a member run weekly kayak, and a chance to meet other paddlers - perhaps plan future excursions. We will try to have a group leader for each social event. The winter socials will vary depending on the group, from just a nice easy paddle to slightly more strenuous. The group will stay together for the social.
Launch from the beach at 10:30am! So, aim to meet at 10am to get organized.
Guests & new members: NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME (provided you have kayaking experience)! Check with the Kayak Director to see if someone might be able to sign you out as a guest and that you have suitable skills to join the social paddle. You may also bring a guest who has kayak paddling experience (remember you are responsible for guests & equipment you sign out).
Please register for the event, and cancel if you can't make it so others know if they will have company. Please check if others are registered before turning up, unless you're happy to paddle alone.
Weather permitting - we'll probably cancel if its raining, below 0C or winds higher than 20km/h. Please watch the #kayak channel on Club Locarno Slack for last minute changes.
If you'd like to sponsor a social kayak join the #kayak-social-paddle-leaders slack channel.