Kayaking Calendar: lessons, clinics and events

Please review the upcoming Kayak lessons, clinics and events, and sign up for those in which you are interested.

In order to manage our costs, we must do our best to fill the scheduled lessons.  If we don't have enough registered participants a week before the lesson, we may have to cancel and re-register you in a later session.

Upcoming events

    • 12 Sep 2024
    • 07:00
    • 17 Sep 2024
    • 20:00
    • Club Locarno Kayak Shed
    Registration is closed

    Kayaks must be rented in order to use them overnight or for trips that don't originate at the JSCA. Please confirm rental availability by contacting the Kayak Director at kayaking@clublocarno.com or on the Club Locarno slack channel. 

    A craft can be rented for up to ten days, and rentals are limited to one per member and four boats at any one time.  Double kayaks are available to one member and a guest. You take full responsibility for loss and damage when you rent gear from the club.  More details on rentals can be found here.
    Rentals are on a first-come, first served basis according to registration date.  Lessons and other club events have priority over rentals, so please check the calendar for scheduled lessons and checkouts when planning your trip. Boats cannot be reserved ahead of time so you should plan on picking up the boat(s) of choice either at dusk of the evening prior to rental or early on the day of the rental (particularly important if you are relying on a double). Ensure you have appropriate gear to transport the boats safely.  There are some foam blocks and straps in the kayak shed.

    Craft signout: When you pickup your rental boat, you must sign out the boat under Rentals on the Craft Signout including the date and estimated time of return. Please do NOT sign out a rental craft until you pick it up.

    Once the Kayak Director has confirmed your rental you will be  you will be given a rental code to complete your booking.

    We encourage all kayak renters to participate in the BC Marine Trails Coastal Caretakers program for site cleaning and reporting. 

    • 17 Sep 2024
    • 18:00 - 22:00
    • Kayak Shed & Picnic Tables

    Full Moon Social Paddle

    Late evening paddle to catch the sunset & full moon.  The sun sets at 7:19pm, moon rise is 7:21 pm, so we'll catch a glimpse as we head back. High tide at 6:28pm.

    Meet at 6:00pm (for 6:30pm launch).

    We'll plan to be on the water 2 to 2 1/2 hrs, so we'll be getting back 8-8:30pm.

    We will probably head out to the second dolphin, red bell or possibly Shiwash Rock - depending on the weather conditions and the strength of the group. We will paddle together as a group.

    You MUST bring a water proof light or headlamp

    Make sure you have a key to re-enter the compound after 9 pm.

    Note: This event is weather dependent. Watch the Kayak Slack Channel for last minute changes. We will cancel if there is heavy cloud cover or rain.

    Guests & new members:  NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME (provided you have kayaking experience)!  Check with the Kayak Director to see if someone might be able to sign you out as a guest and that you have suitable skills to join the social paddle. You may also bring a guest who has kayak paddling experience (remember you are responsible for guests & equipment you sign out).      

    Please register for the event, and cancel if you can't make it so others know if they will have company.  Please check others are registered before turning up, unless you're happy to paddle alone.  

    Weather permitting - we'll probably cancel if its raining, below 10C or winds higher than 20km/h. Dress appropriately for the conditions.  Please watch the #kayak channel on Club Locarno Slack for last minute changes. 

    If you'd like to sponsor a social kayak join the #kayak-social-paddle-leaders slack channel.

    • 18 Sep 2024
    • 17:30 - 21:00
    • Kayak Shed & Picnic Tables

    Wednesday evening Social Paddle. Watch the #kayak Slack channel for changes to the schedule or cancellation. 

    We'll meet at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm launch.  Note new time because of shortening evenings

    This is a member run, weekly kayak and a chance to meet other paddlers - perhaps plan future excursions.  We will try to have a group leader for each social event.  The socials will vary depending on the group, from just a nice easy paddle to slightly more strenuous.  The group will stay together for the social. 

    Launch from the beach at 6:00pm!  So, aim to meet at 5:30pm to get organized.  Return: at dusk (30min after sunset) at the latest. 

    Guests & new members:  NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME (provided you have kayaking experience)!  Check with the Kayak Director to see if someone might be able to sign you out as a guest and that you have suitable skills to join the social paddle. You may also bring a guest who has kayak paddling experience (remember you are responsible for guests & equipment you sign out).      

    Please register for the event, and cancel if you can't make it so others know if they will have company.  Please check if others are registered before turning up, unless you're happy to paddle alone.  

    Weather permitting - we'll probably cancel if its raining or winds higher than 20km/h. Please watch the #kayak channel on Club Locarno Slack for last minute changes. 

    If you'd like to sponsor a social kayak join the #kayak-social-paddle-leaders slack channel.

    • 25 Sep 2024
    • 17:30 - 21:00
    • Kayak Shed & Picnic Tables

    Wednesday evening Social Paddle. Watch the #kayak Slack channel for changes to the schedule or cancellation. 

    We'll meet at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm launch.  Note new time because of shortening evenings

    This is a member run, weekly kayak and a chance to meet other paddlers - perhaps plan future excursions.  We will try to have a group leader for each social event.  The socials will vary depending on the group, from just a nice easy paddle to slightly more strenuous.  The group will stay together for the social. 

    Launch from the beach at 6:00pm!  So, aim to meet at 5:30pm to get organized.  Return: at dusk (30min after sunset) at the latest. 

    Guests & new members:  NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME (provided you have kayaking experience)!  Check with the Kayak Director to see if someone might be able to sign you out as a guest and that you have suitable skills to join the social paddle. You may also bring a guest who has kayak paddling experience (remember you are responsible for guests & equipment you sign out).      

    Please register for the event, and cancel if you can't make it so others know if they will have company.  Please check if others are registered before turning up, unless you're happy to paddle alone.  

    Weather permitting - we'll probably cancel if its raining or winds higher than 20km/h. Please watch the #kayak channel on Club Locarno Slack for last minute changes. 

    If you'd like to sponsor a social kayak join the #kayak-social-paddle-leaders slack channel.

    • 27 Sep 2024
    • 07:00
    • 30 Sep 2024
    • 20:00
    • Club Locarno Kayak Shed
    • 7

    Gerald Island Invasive Species Removal. Kayaks can be rented for a nominal fee for this BCMT event. You are responsible for transportation of the kayak to a suitable launching point to cross to Gerald Island. You must register for the event with BCMT. Let the Kayak Director know via Club Locarno Slack that you'd like to rent and for which days. 

    All trip planning and coordination will be done on the Club Locarno Slack channel - #kayak_bcmt_gerald_island

    Kayaks must be rented in order to use them overnight or for trips that don't originate at the JSCA. Please confirm rental availability by contacting the Kayak Director at kayaking@clublocarno.com or on the Club Locarno slack channel. 

    Double kayaks are available to one member and a guest. You take full responsibility for loss and damage when you rent gear from the club.  More details on rentals can be found here.
    Rentals are on a first-come, first served basis according to registration date.  Lessons and other club events have priority over rentals, so please check the calendar for scheduled lessons and checkouts when planning your trip. Boats cannot be reserved ahead of time so you should plan on picking up the boat(s) of choice either at dusk of the evening prior to rental or early on the day of the rental (particularly important if you are relying on a double). Ensure you have appropriate gear to transport the boats safely.  There are some foam blocks and straps in the kayak shed.

    Craft signout: When you pickup your rental boat, you must sign out the boat under Rentals on the Craft Signout including the date and estimated time of return. Please do NOT sign out a rental craft until you pick it up.

    Once the Kayak Director has confirmed your rental you will be  you will be given a rental code to complete your booking.

    • 02 Oct 2024
    • 17:00 - 21:00
    • Kayak Shed & Picnic Tables

    Wednesday evening Social Paddle. Watch the #kayak Slack channel for changes to the schedule or cancellation. 

    We'll meet at 5:00pm for a 5:30pm launch.  Note new time because of shortening evenings

    This is a member run, weekly kayak and a chance to meet other paddlers - perhaps plan future excursions.  We will try to have a group leader for each social event.  The socials will vary depending on the group, from just a nice easy paddle to slightly more strenuous.  The group will stay together for the social. 

    Launch from the beach at 5:30pm!  So, aim to meet at 5:00pm to get organized.  Return: at dusk (30min after sunset) at the latest. 

    Guests & new members:  NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME (provided you have kayaking experience)!  Check with the Kayak Director to see if someone might be able to sign you out as a guest and that you have suitable skills to join the social paddle. You may also bring a guest who has kayak paddling experience (remember you are responsible for guests & equipment you sign out).      

    Please register for the event, and cancel if you can't make it so others know if they will have company.  Please check if others are registered before turning up, unless you're happy to paddle alone.  

    Weather permitting - we'll probably cancel if its raining or winds higher than 20km/h. Please watch the #kayak channel on Club Locarno Slack for last minute changes. 

    If you'd like to sponsor a social kayak join the #kayak-social-paddle-leaders slack channel.

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