Created: June 5, 2015
Last updated: February 24, 2023
(AKA High Wind Offsite Pass)
Offsite passes enable level 2 and level 3 windsurfers to access high wind conditions more frequently than is possible at Jericho, to practice skills in high wind locations, such as Squamish in the summer, and Boundary Bay in the shoulder season. It ensures a fair and equitable use of gear for members who want to regularly sail offsite, at Jericho, or at other locations.
The Offsite pass is subject to rules described on this page. There are three variations of the offsite pass:
Use the following registration forms to apply for one-time pre-approval and to register for an Annual Pass or Single Day Rental:
All the club and windsurfing fleet rules, procedures and safety precautions, and unwritten club norms (the Locarno way), apply when taking gear to sail offsite. Equipment undergoes extreme use under high wind conditions.
However, members take full responsibility for taking any damage or loss when using gear away from Jericho and must be repaired and paid for by the individual member.
Additional rules and procedures on how to handle the gear are detailed below.
Members require pre-approval from the Windsurfing Director (Windsurf Offsite Pass - Pre-approval Application Form) for the Offsite Pass program and must pay fees in accordance to the Pass Type (Annual Pass or Single Day Rental). Approval can be granted or revoked at the discretion of the Windsurfing Director.
For windsurfers in the offsite pass program:
Offsite use is not available to Level 1 sailors.
One board per off-site pass, per time.
Level 2 and 3 boards only may be taken off site. Before taking a board off site you must verify that taking it does not reduce the number of usable (undamaged and available) boards below the limits specified on the Board Availability Policy page. If you are planning to take a board during the time a club trip is scheduled, you must also factor in the number of boards being taken on the trip as club trips take priority over individual off site use. If in any doubt, you must contact the trip organizer or windsurfing director to verify.
Two sails with the required masts, a boom, 1 or 2 extensions.
Sails/rigs can be taken from the level 3 gear reserves, stored in the windsurfing container (“the cage”). The pre-rigged sails that are hanging on the rack outdoors should not be taken without permission. These pre-rigged sails are meant for use at Jericho.
It is permissible to take a harness for offsite use as long as there are plenty of harnesses left at Jericho for local use. However, if you are at this stage in your windsurfing progression, we strongly advise you to purchase your own harness for personal use.
Aside from harnesses, you may take ANY other normal accessories as needed, e.g. PFDs, extra harness lines, universal joint, extensions, etc.
If your gear is wanted by another member, you should return the gear so they can take it. It is up to you, as an offsite passholder, to coordinate the return of your gear with club members who have the same privileges as you. Consideration and coordination is part of our general club rules.
*If you think an exception to the 1-day rule for your trip is warranted, contact the Windsurfing Director ( for approval.
Squamish in the summer, and Boundary Bay in the shoulder season. You may also take the gear for a multi-day trip to Nitinaht, Hood River or other high wind destination with the prior approval of the Windsurfing Director.
All level 3 boards must be transported in the available board bags in the cage.
All transport of gear must be done using the same procedures taught at the club’s rigging clinics, or as instructed individually by the Director or a Fleet Captain.
Sign out the gear as a “Rental” (the options are Pleasure, Lesson, Club Trip, Rental).
In the comment area, indicate the location, expected return time, and equipment taken (e.g., “Taking the Ezzy 4.7 and Goya 5.0, 400 Ezzy mast, Severne 150-200 boom”).
Remember to sign-in the gear upon your return. You could be tired after a long day, so don’t forget.
You don’t need to notify anyone UNLESS you are planning on a multi-day trip or taking gear away at the same time an official club trip is scheduled. Both these scenarios require the prior approval of the Windsurfing Director.
This is to make impromptu trips possible and to minimize need for coordination. As long as you use the club online signout system, you do not exceed the limit of number of boards allowed to be taken from the club, and take gear for 1-day trip only, you don’t need to seek approval or notify others. Remember, Level 2 sailors must be accompanied with a Level 3 sailor unless granted "advanced" status by the Windsurfing Director.
The L2.5 will be designated in the system by the following:
Criteria for becoming an L2.5
This is somewhat subjective and ultimately up to the discretion of the windsurfing director (with input from fleet captains or other trusted L3 members) but should generally meet the following: